A Guide to Outdoor Water Fountains for Residential and Commercial Settings

Whether you’re looking to upgrade your outdoor space at home or add a touch of beauty to your business, outdoor water fountains can be the perfect addition. These outdoor features are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they also create a calm and peaceful atmosphere. But which type of fountain is best for you? Here we explore some of the most popular options for residential and commercial settings.

Wall Fountains

Wall fountains are an excellent option for both residential and commercial settings. These fountains are mounted on the wall and come in a variety of different beautiful styles, from traditional to modern. Wall fountains do not take up a lot of areas, making them ideal for small outdoor areas. They also don’t require any plumbing or major setup, making installing them easy.

Tabletop Fountains

Tabletop fountains come in various sizes and styles, so you can find one that fits perfectly with your space. If you’re looking for something smaller than a wall fountain, then tabletop fountains may be a perfect choice. If you want something unique that looks great but also doesn’t take up too much room, then tabletop fountains are ideal. These fountains don’t require installation—simply place them on any flat surface, such as a table, countertop, or shelf. 

Floor Fountains

Floor fountains come in many different sizes and shapes and can make an impact in terms of style and design. For larger spaces like gardens or patios, floor fountains can be a great choice. The downside is that these fountains usually require professional installation due to their size and weight; however, if done correctly, they can add value to your outdoor area.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Benefits for Residential and Commercial Settings

Installing an outdoor water fountain is an excellent choice for both homeowners and business owners. They add a touch of elegance and have a myriad of practical benefits that make them an ideal addition to any garden or outdoor space.

Visual Appeal

Outdoor water fountains are aesthetically pleasing, making them an attractive focal point in any residential or commercial setting. They come in various sizes and shapes, so you can choose one that suits the look and feel of your property. Adding one to your outdoor space will surely create a pleasant atmosphere that will impress your guests and visitors.

Noise Reduction

Outdoor water fountains also help reduce noise pollution by creating a soothing soundscape. This means that if you live in a noisy urban area or near a busy highway, investing in an outdoor water fountain can help block out the sounds coming from outside, providing you with much-needed peace and quiet at home or work.                                                                                                                                           

Health Benefits

Having an outdoor water fountain on your property also has its health benefits. The continuous flow of the water helps to increase humidity levels, which can be beneficial for those with allergies or asthma as it helps reduce dust particles in the air. Additionally, relaxing around the sound of running water is proven to lower stress levels, making it a great way to unwind after your busy day at work or school.  

What To Look For in Outdoor Water Fountain Features Before Selecting One?

When selecting an outdoor water fountain, you should consider a few features.

  • Firstly, ensure the fountain is designed to withstand weather conditions such as rain or wind. You may consider a fountain treated with a sealant or weather-resistant coating.
  • Secondly, consider the fountain’s size and weight when selecting a location for it. Heavier fountains may require additional support or reinforcement to prevent them from toppling in windy conditions.
  • Lastly, consider the maintenance that comes with the fountain. Choose one with simple and regular upkeep, such as regularly changing or topping up the water and cleaning any grime build-up to keep your fountain looking great. With these considerations in mind, you can choose the best outdoor water feature for your needs.

Are Outdoor Fountains Hard To Maintain?

Outdoor fountains can be a beautiful addition to any home or garden, but they also require a bit of upkeep. Most importantly, keep the water clean. Leaves and debris can quickly clog a fountain, so it’s important to check the water level regularly and remove any debris. 

In addition, you will need to change the water periodically to prevent algae growth. Depending on the size of the fountain and the climate in your area, you may need to change the water as often as once a week or as infrequently as once a month. With a little effort, however, you can enjoy the beauty of an outdoor fountain without spending hours on maintenance.

Tips for Winterizing Your Fountain

While most fountains are designed for year-round use, the Following are some things to remember if you plan to leave your fountain outside during winter. 

  • First and foremost, be sure to empty and clean out your fountain before the cold weather sets in. This will help prevent any damage from ice expansion. Also, All that built-up grime and debris can cause problems down the line. Once it’s clean, give your fountain a good examination to look for any cracks or other damage. 
  • If all looks good, you can go ahead and give your fountain a coat of protectant to help seal in any moisture. Once that’s done, fill it with fresh water and add some antifreeze to help keep things flowing smoothly.

Take Away

Adding an outdoor water fountain is an excellent choice for residential and commercial settings. It will add visual interest to your garden or outdoor space and provide practical benefits such as reducing noise pollution and increasing humidity levels in the air, which can help improve overall health and well-being.

Outdoor water features provide a peaceful atmosphere while adding beauty to any space—but choosing the suitable type of fountain for your particular setting is crucial. If you’re really looking for something unique and beautiful addition, see outdoor water features here, they have a vast range of options to choose from. Whatever type of fountain you decide on, make sure it fits with the style of your home or business while providing maximum impact in terms of aesthetics and relaxation. Good luck!