Why Is It Important to Feel Good? 

The happier someone is, the longer they will live, according to research. This is due to having lower stress levels. Since stress increases your blood pressure and the work the heart has to do, it makes sense that happier people won’t have this issue (at least not as much as those who are unhappy and see the negative in everything) and, therefore, won’t be subject to the same health conditions.

Yet, there is more to being happy than your physical health (as important as this is). When you are happy, your mental health will improve too. With that in mind, here are some of the reasons why it’s important to feel good that will ensure your well-being is more positive in general.  

More Energy

Think about the times when you feel bad in life for any reason. What do you most want to do? In a lot of cases, what people most want to do is hide away, perhaps huddled in their bed or on the couch. They lack energy and enthusiasm for anything, and that means they are more likely to stay feeling sad and not do anything. 

When you feel good and happy, you’re more likely to want to go outside, move around, and generally take better care of yourself. This is better for your physical health, but it’s better for your mental health as well. 

If you are feeling down, try going outside for a short while. Moving around and breathing in the fresh air can make a big difference and even help to shift your mindset into a more positive place.  

Help Others 

If you feel good, you’ll be more likely to want to do things that make other people feel good as well. This could be volunteering somewhere, it might be donating to a charity for veterans, or perhaps you could decide to start a business that will help your local community. It could be any or all of these things or something else entirely. 

The best thing about helping others is that it will boost your mood substantially, so if you were feeling good before, you’ll feel even better afterwards, and that means you’ll do more to help others. The cycle will continue and you can make a difference in the world. 


When you feel good and you are happy, you’re likely to have a lot more self-confidence than if you are feeling bad. When you see the positive around you and feel happy, you’ll be more productive at work, more efficient at home, and you’ll generally be more pleasant to be around. This means you’ll have more friends and that will boost your self-confidence too. In other words, being happy makes you more successful in every way. 

With a good level of self-confidence, you might even be able to achieve things you didn’t think you could do and surprise yourself. At the very least, you can try these things and that’s a good start. Even if you don’t achieve the results you wanted, you’ll still have made progress and if you are feeling good about yourself, you’ll be more willing and able to move forward towards your goals.