What are the Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Bakersfield?

Truck accidents can be sometimes devastating for the people involved. Unlike car accidents, truck accidents are often more serious and multifaceted. You may be surprised, but one of the most common causes is driver fatigue. Worrying about a deadline or other work-related demands can lead some truckers to push themselves past their limits, risking their safety and those around them in the process.

Despite varying causes, it is essential to hire Bakersfield truck accident lawyers if you are involved in a truck accident. You need an attorney who can help you recover the damages needed to properly deal with the injury that you have suffered and possibly prevent the same thing from happening again.

You might be asking yourself, “How did I get into this accident? Was it my fault?.” If so, get a quote from a truck accident attorney sooner rather than later because time is of the essence in getting your claim filed.

Here are some of the common causes of truck accidents in Bakersfield.

  1. Driver fatigue

Driving is one of the most stressful jobs. The stress of work can lead some drivers to push themselves beyond their limits, and this can result in a truck accident. Fatigued driving means the driver is not paying attention to his or her driving, which can result in an accident.

  1. Driving under influence

Driving under the influence of drugs can also lead to a truck accident. The blood pressure and heartbeat are affected, meaning that the driver loses motor skills or control of the vehicle, leading to an accident. This is one of the most common causes in Bakersfield as well as elsewhere.

  1. Speeding

Driving at a speed that is high enough to result in an accident is another reason for truck accidents. In fact, driving too fast means the risk of getting into an accident is high, and the driver might not have time to react and slow down if something happens.

  1. Distracted driving

At times, the cell phone or other devices can distract the driver. So, if the driver is not careful, he or she can lose control of the vehicle, resulting in an accident.

  1. Improperly loading

Improperly loading a truck can also be a cause of truck accidents. If an object falls off the truck and causes a car accident, for instance, it’s a sign that something is wrong with how you had loaded your truck.