Traffic Accidents: Los Angeles’ Busy Roads and Personal Injury Claims

Los Angeles is known as a crowded, congested, and giant metropolis. It is a place where most major highways resemble a gigantic parking lot. With so many vehicles sharing the roads, it is not hard to understand that there are many traffic accidents every single day. If you or a loved one have sustained injuries in a traffic accident in Los Angeles through no fault of your own, a personal injury lawyer in Northridge recommends that you contact a car accident attorney who will understand your story, build a strong case on your behalf and help you fight for your right to the compensation you need to cover your medical expenses and other losses.

Typical Los Angeles Traffic Accidents

It seems like in Los Angeles, as in most cities in the United States, distracted drivers are to blame for the majority of traffic accidents in the city. When vehicles are stuck in gridlocked traffic for a long time, they tend to take out their phones to see what is new and to reach out to family and friends. When traffic starts to advance, their reactions may be slowed down or not as sharp as they would otherwise be, and an accident is inevitable.

On the other hand, when traffic at night seems to be less congested, Los Angeles drivers engage in speeding and street racing. It is not uncommon to see speeding drivers flying down the highways that crisscross the city, ending up rear-ending other vehicles, flipping over, or rolling toward the median.

As if these scenarios were not worrisome enough, poorly maintained roads and people who drive under the influence of different substances, make for a deadly combination. Just as guilty of causing traffic accidents in Los Angeles are wet or oil-covered roads.

Rising Pedestrian Accidents

All the situations described above, have given rise to an increase in pedestrian accidents in Los Angeles. People waiting to board a bus, to be picked up by a ride-sharing driver, or simply waiting for the light to change to be able to cross to the other side, are many times hit by distracted and speeding drivers. These accidents tend to impact much more the pedestrian than the people inside the cars and deadly injuries are the norm.

If you or a loved one are facing a catastrophe in terms of medical issues and financial difficulties after being in a pedestrian accident, focus on recovering your health while your accident attorney fights to get you the compensation you deserve.

Motorcycle and Bicycle Accidents

It seems that the number of deaths involving motorcycle and bicycle riders in California are also on the rise, with the number of cyclists that are severely injured or lose their life soaring. If you are in the habit of riding a bicycle or motorcycle along Los Angeles’ busy and crowded roads, avoid getting injured by wearing fluorescent or reflective clothing and add reflective materials to your bike as well. If you ride at night, make sure to add lighting to improve visibility and safeguard your health.