Top Cosmetic Dentist Practices You Should Know About

Cosmetic dentistry is an ever-growing field that is driven by the desire of people to have their teeth look and feel their best. No one wants to look at a stack of yellowing dental cavities staring back at them. In this article, we’re going to share with you five of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures and explain why you might want to consider them if you’re looking to improve your smile.

What are some common cosmetic dental procedures?

Cosmetic dentistry is a wide-ranging field that includes procedures like teeth whitening, tooth restoration (including veneers and crowns), and dental implants. 

Here are the most common cosmetic dental procedures:

1. Teeth Whitening 

Getting teeth whitening treatment can be a great option for making your teeth look brighter and whiter, as well as improving your overall appearance. Teeth-whitening products come in a variety of forms, including gels, creams, pastes, and strips. You can use them at home or in a dentist’s office. It takes time to achieve visible results, so be patient!

2. Tooth Restoration 

Tooth restoration is another popular cosmetic dental procedure. This involves replacing damaged or lost teeth with new ones that look and feel natural. Tooth restoration options include bonding teeth, veneers (thin sheets of porcelain that are glued to the front teeth) and crowns (a custom-made piece of metal or plastic that sits on top of the tooth). Crowns are especially popular because they look great and last longer than other types of restoration.  

3. Dental Implants 

Dental implants are one of the longest forms of cosmetic dentistry. They provide a fixed foundation for teeth that allows you to smile with confidence, knowing that your teeth will look their best for years to come. Dental implants are typically less expensive than other types of cosmetic  

What is “advanced cosmetic dentistry”?

Advanced cosmetic dentistry is a term that refers to dental treatments that go beyond the traditional procedures that are used to improve the appearance of teeth. These treatments may include procedures such as tooth whitening, dental veneers, and crowns. Advanced cosmetic dentistry can be helpful for people who want to improve their smile but don’t want to undergo extensive surgery or wait a long time to see results.

Some of the most common advanced cosmetic dentistry procedures include:

Tooth whitening: This involves using various methods, including light exposure and lasers, to remove unwanted blemishes from teeth. Tooth whiteners can help make teeth look brighter and whiter, and they can be effective in fading dark spots as well.

Dental veneers: Dental veneers are thin sheets of porcelain that are custom-made to fit around individual teeth. They can provide a more natural-looking smile by correcting minor flaws in the surface of your teeth, such as crookedness or gaps between some of your teeth. Dental veneers may also be used to cover up significant areas of damage or decay on your teeth.

Crowns: Crowns are a type of restoration that is used most often when someone has lost all or part of one or more teeth due to disease or injury. Crowns are made from either metal or plastic and are custom-fit around the tooth so it looks like a natural tooth. 

How do teeth-whitening treatments work?

The goal of teeth-whitening treatments is to lighten the color of your teeth by removing the brown pigment that naturally exists in them. There are a variety of ways to whiten teeth, but all involve using some form of light or laser to break down the pigment.

One common type of treatment uses carbamide peroxide gel, which is applied to your teeth and left on for a short period of time. Carbamide peroxide gel works by breaking down the brown pigment, and it’s often used in combination with other whitening treatments like bleaching agents or LEDs.

Another popular method uses trays filled with white strips. These strips contain small pieces of paper that absorb light energy and transform it into heat. The heat ruptures the bonds between molecules in the pigment, leading to its removal. Whitestrips work best when they’re applied nightly for at least two weeks, but they can also be worn during daytime hours as long as they’re removed before bedtime.

If you have sensitive teeth, you may want to avoid whitening treatments that use bleaching agents or acids because these chemicals can damage your tooth enamel. In addition, many whitening treatments require you to leave them on for extended periods of time—typically 20 to 30 minutes—which can be uncomfortable if your dental appointment is already scheduled for an extended period of time.

Are all teeth-whitening treatments safe?

There are many treatments available for whitening your teeth, but each one has some potential risks. To find out which treatments are safe and effective, read on!

Hydrogen peroxide is a common whitening agent. It works by breaking down the color of tooth stains. However, hydrogen peroxide can also damage tooth enamel. Use caution when using this agent, and always wear protective gear, such as an apron or gloves.

Laser whitening is a newer treatment that uses lasers to break down stained teeth. This method is more effective than traditional methods like hydrogen peroxide, but it does have some risks. First, lasers can cause serious skin injuries if not used properly. Second, laser whitening may not be permanent and may need to be repeated over time to maintain results. Finally, some people may experience sensitivity after laser whitening treatments.

In-office bleaching is a safer option than laser whitening because it doesn’t use any lasers or harsh chemicals. In-office bleaching uses special light sources and trays that heat up teeth to a high temperature and then remove surface stains. This treatment is usually less painful than other options and is considered permanent unless the patient chooses to have additional bleaching done in office periodically throughout their lifetime (depending on the level of staining).

What should you do if you have questions about cosmetic dentistry?

If you’re looking for a cosmetic dentist who can help improve your smile, there are a few things you should know. First, it’s important to find someone who has experience in this area. Second, be sure to ask your questions in advance so that the dentist can have a detailed understanding of what you’re looking for. Finally, be patient. Cosmetic dentistry is an investment that will pay off in the long run.