The Power of Using Instagram for Influencer Marketing

You’ve got an amazing product or service you want to share with the world, but how do you reach new audiences and spread the word? The answer is influencer marketing on Instagram. Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users and influencers have built massive audiences by sharing high-quality content on the platform. 

When you partner with influencers who genuinely love your brand, their authentic endorsements in front of engaged followers can be hugely impactful. In fact, 70% of teenagers trust influencers more than traditional celebrities.

 If you want to boost brand awareness, engage new customers, and increase sales, influencer marketing on Instagram should be an essential part of your social media strategy. Read on to discover how to find influencers, build relationships, and run successful influencer marketing campaigns on Instagram.

Building Brand Awareness Through Instagram Influencers

Influencer marketing on Instagram is one of the most effective ways to increase brand awareness today. When you partner with influencers who have an engaged following of potential customers, your brand is exposed to new audiences in an organic and trusted way.

Look for influencers with followings that match your target customers. If you sell makeup, partner with beauty influencers. If you have an outdoor clothing brand, connect with influencers who post about hiking and camping adventures. Their followers will be interested in what your brand has to offer.

Once you find the right influencers, reach out and try to form genuine connections. Offer to send them free product samples in exchange for an honest review and social posts about your brand. Give them creative freedom to post about your products in their own voice and style. Their followers will appreciate the authenticity.

You can also invite influencers to events or on press trips to create buzz about new product launches or experiences. Ask them to post live updates, behind-the-scenes footage and reviews from the events. Their followers will feel like they’re getting a sneak peek into something exclusive.

Over time, as you build relationships with key influencers, you’ll gain access to their audiences and see your brand awareness rise. Followers may even become paying customers, turning awareness into sales. With the power of influencers on your side, the possibilities are endless!

The key is finding the right influencers, giving them freedom to be authentic, and nurturing genuine connections over the long run. But these days, Instagram influencing doesn’t come cheap, especially for influencers with millions of followers. That’s why you shouldn’t bother paying an influencer a huge amount of money when you can simply build up your own following base with thousands of followers.  Mixx is quite the perfect choice if you want to gain instant followers on Instagram with a low budget. Do that, and your brand will gain major awareness.

Engaging Your Target Audience With Sponsored Instagram Posts

Engaging with your audience on Instagram is key to successful influencer marketing. Sponsoring posts from influencers in your niche is one of the most effective ways to do this.

Once you’ve found influencers whose followers match your target audience, reach out to them about creating sponsored posts for your product or service. Be willing to negotiate prices and creative freedom. Give the influencers an idea of what you have in mind, but let them put their own spin on the content. Their followers appreciate authenticity, so sponsored posts that feel natural and unforced tend to perform the best.

For maximum impact, ask influencers to post photos, short videos, Stories, and IGTV content. A multi-pronged approach across an influencer’s channel helps raise awareness and keeps your brand top of mind. You should also encourage influencers to be actively involved in the comments section, replying to followers and starting discussions. Tagging your brand account and using your branded hashtag make the posts easy to find and help build your credibility.

Monitor the performance and engagement of each post. Notice which influencers and what types of content resonate most with your target audience. Then, you can choose to rehire certain influencers or try different creative approaches for the next campaign. Over time, as you and the influencers get to know your audience better, sponsored posts will become even more effective.

With an authentic, multi-channel approach, influencer marketing on Instagram can be an incredibly powerful way to raise brand awareness, engage your target audience, and drive sales. Put in the work to find the right influencers and give them the creative freedom to reach followers in an organic way. When done well, sponsored Instagram posts are a win-win for brands and audiences alike.

Measuring the ROI of Instagram Influencer Collaborations

Once you’ve collaborated with influencers on Instagram, it’s important to analyze the results to determine the ROI and impact. Measuring the success of influencer marketing on Instagram requires looking at several key metrics.


One of the most important metrics is the level of engagement the influencer receives on posts featuring your product or service. Look at the number of likes and comments, especially in comparison to the influencer’s normal engagement rates. Higher than average engagement shows their followers are interested in your brand.

  • Track engagement over the course of the entire collaboration to see how interest changes or grows over time.
  • Look for a spike in engagement and social mentions of your brand, especially in the first few days of the campaign. This indicates excitement about the new partnership.


See if the influencer collaboration drove more people to your website or social media profiles. Use analytics tools to monitor referral traffic from the influencer’s Instagram account. An increase in traffic, followers, likes, and comments on your own accounts demonstrates the power of influencer marketing.

  • Google Analytics and Keyhole are great for analyzing traffic sources and the impact of social media on your website visits.
  • Check your own Instagram account insights to see changes in followers, impressions, and profile visits during and after the collaboration.


The ultimate way to measure ROI is if the influencer campaign resulted in direct sales or conversions. Use discount codes, trackable URLs, and promo codes unique to the influencer collaboration. Monitor how many of their followers used the code or link to make a purchase.

  • Offer the influencer’s followers an exclusive discount or promotion to incentivize them to buy from your brand.
  • Make sure you have a way to properly attribute any sales back to the specific influencer and their audience.

When done right, influencer marketing on Instagram can be an extremely powerful tool for raising brand awareness, driving traffic, boosting engagement, and increasing sales. Measure the impact and ROI of your collaborations so you know which influencers and strategies to continue investing in.


So, there you have it, the power of influencer marketing on Instagram. The numbers don’t lie, this platform provides real opportunities to connect with audiences in authentic ways. Whether you’re a brand looking to boost awareness or an influencer trying to build your community, Instagram should be an essential part of your marketing strategy.The variety of content options, targeting capabilities, and analytics tools make it easy to understand your audience and actually engage with them. Sure, it requires time and effort, but the payoff can be huge. What are you waiting for? Start posting, sharing, liking and connecting. The influencer world of Instagram is waiting for you.