How Useful Is A Data Science Degree?

According to Glassdoor, data science is one of the industries that is expanding the fastest right now, with job advertisements for this position increasing by 480% since 2016.

Businesses and organizations of all shapes and sizes are looking for data-savvy individuals who can extract value from the vast amounts of data accessible. Not only that, but schools are also introducing additional degree programs in data science to match this high demand.

There are so many reasons to pursue this career, which we will discuss in this article. But stop for a second and look around you; chances are that you’ll see at least one technological innovation which generates mass amounts of data.

Companies need data scientists to analyze that data in order to improve their organization. That is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the usefulness of a data science degree. Let’s dive a bit deeper!

What is data science?

First things first, what even is data science? It can be a bit overwhelming and complicated to explain it. However, to put it simply, the main purpose of data science is to find hidden patterns in the raw data by combining multiple tools, algorithms, and machine learning concepts.

With the goal of gathering data, discovering information in that data, and using that information to address real-world issues, data science combines techniques and tools from a variety of methods. These methods consist of artificial intelligence, statistics, analysis, databases, graph theory, and numerical analysis.

Why should you pursue a degree in data science?

Frankly, listing the number of benefits that you get from studying data science in college will probably take longer than you think. So we’ve compiled the most important ones provided. Let’s have a look.

1.    Lucrative salary

Due to the exponential growth of technology nowadays, companies are actively looking to expand their team of IT experts, particularly data scientists. They need them because they have the necessary skills to allow the companies to grow bigger and understand their customers better. But that’s just one of the reasons.

Nonetheless, this high demand has led to data scientists enjoying hefty salaries, and you could too. If you want to study in a beautiful destination, then you should definitely look into programs for a Master in Data Science in Malaysia.

Back to our point. The average salary of a data scientist is somewhere around $110,000. But this estimate tends to vary depending on the person’s work experience, where they graduated from, qualifications and certifications, academic achievements, employer, etc.

2.    Opportunities for learning

The study of data science provides an opportunity to develop into a lifelong learner, regardless of your level of experience in the field of information technology. Data science is a growing sector of the economy that keeps up with technological advances.

As a result, if you decide to work in the field of data science, you could continue to expand your education. With its technical and specialized education, your position, your duties, your qualifications, and whatever studying you do to further your career will keep you engaged.A quality that many other study fields can lack.

3.    Opportunities for consulting

Data scientists can take advantage of their knowledge to make a side income in a variety of ways. With data science knowledge, abilities, and experience, you may work independently on your own schedule as a consultant or freelancer for a wide range of customers.

Additionally, you could also tutor or mentor data science industry specialists online. You might also write about your expertise, trends in the sector, and professional advice. All of these careers are possible for you to pursue while keeping your primary employment safe and secure.

4.    Job stability

In addition to being in great demand, a data scientist’s job is steady and essential for businesses and organizations that require their knowledge and services. And as industry and consumer markets continue to incorporate more data streams into their operations, this requirement will only increase.

Data scientists will benefit from a fair amount of job stability as a result of this expanding trend. Most fields, including business, technology, medicine, education, research, entertainment, and government, have roles that fit this description, which might provide an additional layer of protection.

5.    Work in a Variety of Sectors

The fact that data scientists potentially work in a variety of sectors and companies is one of the nicest aspects of getting into this field. Industries such as financial services, telecommunications, logistics, pharmaceutical, financial services, manufacturing, logistics, telecommunications, and the automobile industry are some of the top sectors demanding data science specialists.

Not only that, the high demand for candidates for these positions throughout the world gives graduates a chance to combine travel with foreign work experience, which may help your CV and future job prospects. Ultimately as a data scientist, you can make a good impact across any of these sectors and truly achieve self-actualization.

Advice for beginners in data science

Here are some useful tips to get you started in data science:

•       Get a bachelor’s degree. A bachelor’s or undergraduate degree in a relevant field of study, such as data science, computer science, programming, engineering, statistics, or information technology, is typically required by companies. So it’s definitely worth considering.

•       Take online courses. There are plenty of online courses that teach courses on data science which you can find easily on the web. Use them to further develop your skills and knowledge in this ever-expanding field. This can also be a great display of your commitment to learning and improving your skills.

•       Take part in an internship. Many organizations prefer individuals with actual experience in the sector, along with academic degrees and certificates. Before completing your degree, you can get this experience while receiving professional advice through an internship.

•       Get credentials. Although most data science jobs don’t require credentials, they can help you become eligible for more employment opportunities. These credentials improve your CV and could set you apart from other applicants.


You should now have some idea of how a degree in data science can be useful. If you already have a passion for all things data science, then you should definitely take it seriously and pursue a career in it. But if you are still uncertain, then consider all of these aspects and benefits thoroughly and rethink your decision.