Finding the Right Mental Health Diagnosis

Mental health issues are one of the most under-treated types of conditions that Americans face. This is because so many of the symptoms of certain conditions can mimic each other, or can also be confused with side effects of commonly used medications, making it all too easy for doctors to give patients an incorrect diagnosis during their first consult. Patients are often led to believe that the issues they’re dealing with aren’t as serious as they might think, which can add to their stress and worsen their conditions, making them feel crazy. If you’re struggling with your mental health, and you think you might have been misdiagnosed by your healthcare professional, you must familiarize yourself with the behaviors associated with different mental disorders so you can monitor your symptoms and advocate for your health, convincing your doctor to reconsider the diagnosis they gave you in their original analysis.


Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed mental disorders, especially in women. Autism is a developemental disorder that can cause people to have challenges with behavior, communication, and social interactions. Since it is a spectrum, signs of Autism can appear in many forms, which makes this mental disorder so tricky to diagnose. Some children with Autism are very hyperactive, seem to lack a social filter, and are prone to fidgeting or developing tics, which can lead to their Autism Spectrum Disorder being misdiagnosed as ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). In other children, signs of Autism will manifest in behaviors that are nothing like this. These children will be incredibly quiet and particular, having a difficult time coping with change and oftentimes being incredibly sensitive to loud noises or other sensory triggers. These symptoms are often mistaken for OCD and other anxiety disorders. While it’s possible for people with Autism to also have mental disorders like ADHD and OCD, it’s important they get a proper diagnosis so they can better manage their symptoms. Many people with Autisim have difficulty recognizing expectations–this includes social expectations as well as behvioral expectations–so, in an effort to make up for this, some children with Autism will end up overcompensating. Children like this are strict rule-followers, clinging to any sort of verbal or written guidelines since they’re easiest for them to understand. These incredibly well-behaved children often earn the label of simply being a good kid, which can misdirect parents into thinking that no mental disorder is present, and cause these children to slip through the cracks, not receiving the proper diagnosis or care.


When most people think of ADHD, they imagine people who are incredibly social, high-energy, and easily distracted, but this isn’t always the case. As with many other mental disorders, the symptoms for ADHD take many forms. Because many people with ADHD have difficulty focusing, they also have difficulty with time management. When looking to complete a task, a person with ADHD might not be able to, for instance, fold their laundry until they’ve made their bed, or sweep their floors until they’ve cleaned all of their surfaces. Combipack tablet uses in Hindi When looking at what things they need to do before they can complete the task at hand, a person with ADHD might find their to-do list continuing to grow to the point where it feels impossible. This overwhelming feeling can often discourage someone with ADHD from completeing their tasks alltogether, making them seem lazy when, in reality, they are just a prisoner of their mental disorder. With the proper diagnoses, a person with ADHD can receive medication to alleviate their symptoms and they can talk with a therapist to help them find ways to manage their mental disorder. For some, writing down a list of things to do in a particular order and crossing them off one-by-one can help, while for others it might be best to randomize chores by writing them down on pieces of paper, putting them into a jar, and pulling out a task to complete. Like with Autism, ADHD can be very difficult to diagnose based on the ‘good’ symptoms that occur. People with ADHD have very active imaginations. They are always daydreaming, building worlds and scenarios in their heads, making them great storytellers. People with ADHD are labeled–positively–as being very creative, since they often think through things in a different way than others might and are more able to visualize different solutions and outcomes. As a result, many people with ADHD end up pursuing artistic life styles, finding careers or recreational enjoyment in different types of physical, visual, or literary arts.

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