Escape Room Etiquette: How To Be A Good Teammate

Escape rooms are incredibly fun and challenging, so you must work well with your teammates for a successful escape and an enjoyable experience. This blog post will cover good etiquette when taking on an escape room challenge to ensure everyone has a great time.

Communication is Key

When it comes to an escape room, communication is key. Make sure your group members know what they should be working on and how they can help each other if someone gets stuck. Brainstorming in small groups can also help the team move through the puzzles faster since one person may get something that another person overlooks. If items need to be moved, split up tasks and ensure everyone knows what to do before starting. This will prevent confusion and wasted time while trying to complete the mission. Additionally, any progress made should be communicated between group members regularly, so no one wastes time repeating something already completed by someone else.

Listen To Your Teammates

It’s important not to discount ideas from your fellow teammates as you may miss out on solutions or clues because of it. Everyone in the group has different puzzle-solving skill sets and ways of looking at things, so don’t ignore their suggestions or cause them to feel embarrassed for offering them up in the first place. If there isn’t sufficient time for debate, suggest finding a way back to the conversation after completing other tasks first.

Ask for Help

Don’t forget this important reminder; asking for assistance when needed is entirely acceptable. Who wants to be stuck trying to solve the same problem for 30 minutes? If a teammate offers their help, don’t hesitate and let them lend you a hand! Allow your peers to try and resolve the puzzle, too – they may even think of a solution that you didn’t! Everyone has their unique perspective, which can be just what is needed to crack an intricate problem. Simply because it wasn’t you who opened the lock does not mean that you have not been instrumental in solving it.

Know Your Limitations

No matter how good of a team player or think you are, know your limitations and respect those of others. Don’t take on too many tasks yourself or put more pressure on yourself than necessary – delegating is just as important! Also, be aware if any of your teammates need physical or mental breaks and suggest solutions like changing tasks or taking breaks together so that everyone is refreshed after doing something else for a little while before returning with new eyes ready to tackle whatever puzzles come next! Also, ensure not to touch anything that belongs in the game unless instructed otherwise by staff – most likely, all objects were placed exactly where they needed to be found!

Group brainstorming

It’s true what they say – two heads are indeed better than one! This could not be truer in an escape room where ten people will come up with eleven different strategies to solve the same puzzle. Not everyone needs to be right, so try those straightforward solutions, and if it doesn’t work out – no biggie! You’ll still have plenty of other possible solutions at your disposal.

However, if somebody doesn’t voice their ideas to the team, they may become fixated on what they envision as a solution and be unable to look beyond it. On my squad, we have someone whose main responsibility is making bold leaps of reasoning and arriving at conclusions quickly. Although it may seem illogical to some, a wild idea is always better than no thought. When you try to solve the mystery with an outlandish concept, that could lead to finding new facts that can hasten your resolution. Even when an approach appears inconceivable, it should be heard carefully as this may inspire someone else’s perfect solution!

Participate! Do something!

There’s no reason to remain idle in escape rooms– it defeats the purpose of taking on such a thrilling task! After all, with so much to do and explore, why waste precious time doing nothing? Nobody wants to have someone at their party who just sits around waiting for help. Even if you aren’t being a “downer” and are just sitting there, you are still affecting the team’s mentality. Sitting in the corner and doing nothing won’t help your team – it will only distract them.

Moreover, someone might choose to join you, which means that two people are now uselessly wasting time instead of participating and aiding the group. So why not take advantage of your presence here? Your valuable input could be helping brainstorm solutions, uncovering critical clues, or providing morale support as you all look around for answers. Participate, contribute and make sure to have fun!

Have Fun!

Above all else, remember it’s about having fun! Get into character with costumes or funny accents if you please – this will add some lightheartedness which often helps during a tense situation when solving puzzles escalates quickly! Don’t forget why you came in the first place – have some fun escaping with friends and making new ones along the way! And lastly – treat yourself with an Escape Room Gift Card after completion – you deserve it after putting in all that hard work cracking through all those code times for another round.