5 Wrong Stereotypes About Casinos

They say that you can never learn something that you already believe you know. You see, a misconception is usually worse than a total lack of knowledge. This is exactly what stereotypes are and you can have stereotypes about anything. What stereotypes do is twist your own version of reality. If they didn’t twist your decision-making process, they would be considered harmless. Sadly, this is not always the case. With that in mind and without further ado, here are the top five things you “know” about casinos that are completely wrong.

  1. Gambling Is Backed by Mafia

No, the mafia no longer controls casinos. Nowadays, they’re privately owned businesses usually under the ownership of small shareholders. The most ironic part is that there are a lot of those who feel nostalgic for the good old days. These people believe that casino gambling (or Vegas in its entirety) lost its soul when the mob was driven out of the industry.

The reasons why people believe this way range from trivial to downright nostalgic. For instance, some people remember that they could get a steak for $1.99 at 4 am, however, making an association between inflation and the mafia is not necessarily fair.

This isn’t even a recent thing. According to some estimates, the Italian mafia left Las Vegas in the mid-1980s. No, there was no big clash or government operation, they were simply suppressed by the corporate capital.

  1. Casinos Are Cheating

The only people who claim that casinos are cheating are those who don’t understand the rules themselves. First of all, the only people who bring up this preposterous claim are those who don’t understand how the odds work. So, are slot machines rigged in any way? Well, if they were, it’s not the way you think.

The casinos don’t have to cheat simply because the odds are in their favor. The concept of the house edge, on its own, is turning the game in their favor, which is why there’s no need for the casino to handle these things under the table. Sure, these numbers are in their favor and, on a single game, this might make a small difference but when it comes to the volume of slot machines and game tables, the statistics are heavily in their favor without hurting a single player, specifically.

Lastly, this is even less malicious than you think, seeing as how the odds for each of these games are transparent. For instance, in roulette, the odds are 35 to 1 when betting on a single number. When betting on a color, the odds are slightly under 50% (depending if it’s 0 or 00).

  1. Online Gambling Is “Not Real”

There are a lot of misconceptions about online gambling, as well. You see, online gambling is just like any other form of gambling. It falls under the jurisdiction of the country where the casino is available and, if it’s illegal there, it’s illegal. In most places, however, it’s completely legal.

Second, it’s a simple and quick form of gambling. Sure, it’s more convenient for introverts but, the truth is that it’s convenient for everyone. You no longer need to leave your home to play and you can even do this while on a break at work. All it takes is for you to get an app downloaded on your phone (since it’s a better experience than a browser) and there you have it.

When it comes to addictiveness, well, it is what it is and it all comes down to the type of person you are. Some people get addicted to sex. Others get addicted to video games. Then, some people become hoarders. The truth is that some people can’t stop no matter what they do.

  1. People Are Awful

Try to remember when was the last time you heard of some of these stereotypes.

  • A violent gambler
  • Dreadful dealer
  • Overaggressive cocktail waitress
  • Con artist
  • A drunk player

While none of these came out of nowhere, there are

Are there some awful people in casinos? Sure, both as staff and patrons. Are they a rule? No, of course not. After all, why would a casino allow inhospitable staff on their premises or suffer rude and obnoxious patrons? Sure, you may assume that they are big spenders but the truth is that, by driving away other players, they would be more trouble than they’re worth.

In other words, is there a possibility that you’ll find someone bad or unpleasant in a casino? Sure. Will you? It depends but it most likely won’t be the case. Just like you, other people are there to have fun and mind their own business.

  1. You Can Get Rich

The biggest problem with this stereotype lies in the fact that you know that it’s not true but if you let yourself be guided by emotion rather than reason (which is a common thing really), you’ll start believing it either way.

Gambling is a form of entertainment and this is the most important thing you need to know about it. You can earn some money this way but it won’t pay off your mortgage, it won’t pay for your kid’s college, and it won’t fill your 401k. If you start believing any of these things, you’re bound to get disappointed or, worse yet, overcommit to the point where you spend more than you can spare.

In the end, just try to stay cool, set your gambling budget, and see gambling for what it is – a game. In it, you win some, you lose some but as long as you have fun, it’s all good.

Wrap Up

At the end of the day, stereotypes are nothing to be ashamed of. The majority of them have some basis in reality. Did some people have a negative experience with other casino patrons? Of course! Did some people get rich by gambling? Most definitely! However, you need to understand that some things happen as an exception to the rule, not the rule itself. You can’t let stereotypes guide you through life.